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Monday, May 5, 2008

9 weeks and counting

So, I am rather behind in posting. My sister and I both had our 8 week appointments last week, and they adjusted her date by a couple of days so now we aren't due the exact same day. Still, it's fun to be pregnant together, and we have enjoyed calling and e-mailing each other to share experiences.

Even though I couldn't hear the heartbeat, it was amazing to have my sonogram and see the heartbeat. It was nice to know there really is something in there that I have been suffering through this nausea and fatigue for each day.

I am a week behind on my "belly" pics but I don't really think it counts yet anyway. So, here I am at a little over 9 weeks. It's been a roller coaster so far, but all in all I am loving it. Here's to mommyhood.